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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Stern, Edna J.. "Kele ḥeres me-ha-meʾot ha-yod-gimel-ha-ṭet-vav mi-Givʾat Yasaf (Tel e-Ras)." ʿAtiqot 37, (1999): 125-136.
Notes: Additional title: "The Pottery of the Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries from Givʿat Yasaf (Tell er-Ras)." English abstract on p. 174.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Givat Yasaf (Tall al-Ras)
2. Stern, Edna J.. "Export to the Latin East of Cypriot Manufactured Glazed Pottery in the 12th-13th Century." In Cyprus and the Crusades/Kypros kai oi Staurophories, Papers given at the International Conference "Cyprus and the Crusades", Editors Coureas, Nicholas//Riley-Smith, Jonathan, 325-335. Nicosia, 6-9 September 1994. Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre and Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, 1995.
Subjects: Excavations/Foreign relations
3. Stern, Edna J.. "The Sugar Industry in Palestine during the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods in Light of the Archaeological Finds." Master's thesis, The Hebrew University, 1999.
Subjects: Economics/Excavations/Places--Palestine
4. Stern, Edna J.. "The Excavations at Lower Ḥorbat Manot: A Medieval Sugar-Production Site." ʿAtiqot 42, (2001): 277-308.
Subjects: Excavations/Economics/Places--Palestine



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